Jan 16 - No School and No Online Learning
Due to the inclement weather and closing of FCPS. View More Details >
  1. 新 年 快 樂
    Happy New Year

  2. 文 化 課 程
    Culture Class

  3. 演 講 比 賽
    Speech Contest

  4. 文化節活動/運動會
    CNY Field Day

  5. 布 袋 戲 競 賽
    Glove Puppet Contest

  • 由於 ECS Online 仍在維修中,課外活動報名截止日將延至十月十日。第一次上課時間將從十月十七日。更多詳情
  • ECS Online is still under maintenance. The deadline for extra-curriculum activities will be extended to 10/10. The first activity session will start on 10/17.More details
  • 請所有要進入學校室內的學生、家長、老師、助教及工作人員事先於當天十二點前簽立實驗中文學校防疫切結書,經門口人員確認,方可進入室內。
  • All students, parents, teachers, TAs, and staff who need to enter the school building must sign the Wellness Verification Form before noon Sunday.
關 於 實 驗 中 文
北維州實驗中文學校 (Northern Virginia Experimental Chinese School - NVAECS) 由一群家長創建於1991年, 為維州州政府正式登記成立的非營利組織。本校秉持著寓教於樂的宗旨,以從遊戲中學習的教學理念與方針,為大家提供中文教育及中華文化的推廣與傳承。現有師生近四百多人, 於星期日下午兩點到四點於香堤里高中 (Chantilly High School) 上課。

Registration for Returning Students for 2024-25 (舊生註冊) Registrations are open for returning students.

年終滑雪活動報名Annual Ski Trip Registration

8/19 湖邊公園烤肉ECS BBQ Event

7/1 新生註冊開始Registration for 2023-24

一芳水果茶團購YiFang Fruit Tea Sale

歇腳亭泡沫奶茶團購Sharetea Sale

三拼飯團購Hong-Kong Style Bento

誠徵安全巡邏人員Safety Patrol Wanted

最新募款項目列表Fundraising Item List

實驗中文服務台ECS Online Help Desk

最新每週公告Latest Weekly Announcement

布袋戲影片觀賞Glove Puppet Contest

秋季聯歡活動Fall Festival

筊白筍團購Water Bamboo Sale

最新學年行事日曆2024-25 School Calendar

學校校規School Rules of Conduct

服務記點制度說明Service Point Policy

學校幹部就戰鬥位置Board/Staff Members in Position

【媽媽牌】紅燒牛肉麵Beef Noodle Soup Sale

實驗扯鈴隊介紹About ECS YoYo Team

文化課教室位置Culture Classroom Location

成人中文會話班報名Adult Chinese Class Registration

重慶小麵Yu Noodles Order

亞洲梨團購Asian Pears Order

成人中文會話班Adult Chinese Class

常見問題集Frequent Asked Quesitons

學校位置School Location

募款項目列表Fundraising Item List

行 事 曆
QR Code for NVAECS website

Northern Virginia Experimental Chinese School (NVECS)

Copyright 2024 ECS All rights reserved

School Address: Chantilly High School, 4201 Stringfellow Road, Chantilly, VA 20151

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 220401 Chantilly, VA 20153

Inquiry | Frequently Asked Questions