布袋戲競賽 Glove Puppet Show

  • 活動籌劃中。請參考過去活動紀綠。
  • 比賽時間:五月十六日下午兩點半
  • 各班學生將透過 ZOOM 觀賞現場直播
布袋戲 - 2023年11月12日


The Glove Puppet shows are a Chinese traditional performing art flourished at Taiwan, covering literature, music, art, and creativity to bring the audience a rich and fun entertainment.ECS Culture Team is lucky to have worked with H2 class students to bring this program to you today. In the past few weeks, the students not only learned the skills to perform a puppetry show, but also have been able to demonstrate their Chinese proficiency, theatrical, and creativity skills through poster production, and story creation and performance. Congratulations on all H2 students for this wonderful achievement!

第九屆 (2023-2024) 高中組布袋戲競賽獎項公布


  • 最佳表演: 金三角組 《小氣奶奶》
  • 最佳劇本: 珍珠奶茶組 《馬良的神筆》
  • 最佳舞台效果: 雲火組 《鐵扇公主》
  • 最佳海報製作: 雲火組 《鐵扇公主》
  • 最佳人氣: 金三角組 《小氣奶奶》
(1) 金三角組 《小氣奶奶》
(2) 雲火隊《鐵扇公主》
(3) 珍珠奶茶隊《馬良的神筆》
(1) 金三角隊《小氣奶奶》

周婕妮 Jennifer Dobson
沈孝友 Maria Shen
董有杰 Jayden Tong


(1) The Stingy Grandma - by Golden Triangle

Storyline: "Xiao Qi” means stingy, not liking and not willing to spend money. At first she was “Stingy Girl” but grew old and became “Stingy Grandma”. How stingy is “Stingy Grandma” really? Even the whole village knows how stingy she is. But why and how did she change?

(2) 雲火隊《鐵扇公主》

莊愷薇 Vivien Trang
陳誠 Blake Yeager
陳美玫 Clarissa Yeager
陳晴玲 Molly Chen

劇情介紹:很久以前有一個猴子叫孫悟空。他跟他的朋友豬八戒一起往西邊探險。豬八戒在山上睡覺的時候,山就突然起火了。 孫悟空需要用鐵扇公主的扇子才能滅火,可是鐵扇公主不願意把扇子借給他。最後,他能拿到扇子救豬八戒嗎?

(2) The Iron Fan Princess - by Cloud Fire

Storyline:Once upon a time, there was a monkey named Sun Wu Kong. Him and his friend, Zhu Ba Jie, are traveling to the west. When Zhu Ba Jie went to take a nap on the mountain, it suddenly erupted in flames. The only way that Sun Wu Kong can save him is to get the fan from the Iron Fan Princess, but she isn’t willing to give the fan to him. Will he be able to get the fan in time and save Zhu Ba Jie?

(3) 珍珠奶茶隊《馬良的神筆》

林可心 Brooke Nawrot
梁君瑩- Leanna Leung
Camden Ogura
梅心怡 - Sydney Moi


(3) Ma Liang’s Paintbrush - by Boba Tea

Storyline: Once upon a time, there was a child named Ma Liang. Ma Liang loved to paint. One day, while he was sleeping, he had a dream. In the dream, an old god gave him a magic brush. When he woke up, he really had a magic pen in his hand. The local mayor took Ma Liang away and asked him to draw a golden mountain. Will Ma Liang listen to the words of the mayor, or will he be captured forever by the mayor?

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