布袋戲 - 2024年11月10日
The Glove Puppet shows are a Chinese traditional performing art flourished at Taiwan, covering literature, music, art, and creativity to bring the audience a rich and fun entertainment.ECS Culture Team is lucky to have worked with H2 class students to bring this program to you today. In the past few weeks, the students not only learned the skills to perform a puppetry show, but also have been able to demonstrate their Chinese proficiency, theatrical, and creativity skills through poster production, and story creation and performance. Congratulations on all H2 students for this wonderful achievement!
第十屆 (2024-2025) 高中組布袋戲競賽獎項公布
- 最佳表演: 鹽酥雞隊 【包公審石頭】
- 最佳劇本: 多力多滋隊 【最重要的種子】
- 最佳舞台效果: 鹽酥雞隊 【包公審石頭】
- 最佳海報製作: 多力多滋隊 【最重要的種子】
- 最佳人氣: 多力多滋隊 【最重要的種子】
(1) 多力多滋隊 《最重要的種子》
(2) 鹽酥雞隊 《包公審石頭》
(3) 牛肉麵隊 《三位一體的粽子》
(1) 多力多滋隊 《最重要的種子》
高德佑 Darrell Kao
衛翊斯 Jerry Willmore
譚凱勻 Kaitlin Tan
周啓仁 Samuel Chow
曾顯皓 Aaron Tzeng
(1) The Most Important Seed - by Team Doritoes
Storyline: One day, a poor child named Yoyo receives a notification inviting him to compete with the other children of the kingdom for the chance to become the heir to the throne. Driven by his desire to help his family, he gives it his all, but despite his efforts, something is wrong.
(2) 鹽酥雞隊 《包公審石頭》
柯奕君 Elise Ko
閻暟亭 Katie Yen
沈亞葇 Ellina Shen
林亞立 Alex Ducote
林宥軒 Matthias Lin
(2) Bao Gong Interrogates The Stone - by Popcorn Chicken Team
Storyline:A long time ago, there was a child with a sick mother. In order to earn money for medicine, the child sold fried chicken in the markets everyday. But one day, her money disappeared—Bao Gong cleverly uses a rock to find the culprit!
(3) 牛肉麵隊 《三位一體的粽子》
練嘉濬 Edric Lia
蔡耀遠 Jonathan Tsai
呂智仁 Charlie Taylor
王康屏 Connor Mraw
蔡妍恩 Iris Tsai
(3) Holy Trinity of Rice Dumplings - by Beef Noodle Soup Team
Storyline: One day, a butcher named Zhang got cursed by the Lightning God and had to go on a journey to find a way to undo the curse set upon him. He needed to find three different colored ZongZi in order to persuade SunWuKong to help him undo the curse!