星期日如果有下大雪、下冰雨、刮大風等惡劣天氣狀況,實驗中文學校將依照 Fairfax County Public Schools 的 Inclement Weather Plan 決定是否上課。屆時請家長們密切注意最新的發展。
- Fairfax County Public Schools 緊急公告
- Fairfax County Public Schools 停課程序說明
- Facebook Page from Fairfax County Public Schools
【範例一】3/1/2015 週日中午在學校網站首頁上公布的緊急停課通知:
【範例二】12/8/2013 週日早上十一點以『特別公告電子信』發佈緊急停課通知:
- With an incrementing weather forecast for 1/9/2022, the school board has decided to cancel class tomorrow with no virtual learning. Due to the uncertainty of the weather tomorrow, we want to ensure the commuting safety of our ECS family and the readiness of the FCPS grounds resulting from closure this past week. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Due to the possible inclement weather situation on the Sunday, ECS will follow FCPS Inclement Weather Plan to determine if the school will be closed. Please pay attention to your email, public news for further announcement tomorrow.
- Emergency Announcement from Fairfax County Public Schools
- Weather Cancellation Procedures from Fairfax County Public Schools
- Facebook Page from Fairfax County Public Schools
If the school will be closed due to any emergency before Sunday 2pm, the news will be announced on the ECS website homepage. A "Special Announcement" will be sent to all the ECS parents.
EXAMPLE #1 - The Breaking News was posted on 3/1/2015 Sunday Noon
EXAMPLE #2 - A Special Announcement newsletter was sent out to all parents