二樓 231 教室
一般比較靜態或不需要廣大活動空間的文化課將使用 231 教室。例如:傳統手工藝等課程。
- 由學校第十一號大門進入後,經由左手邊的樓梯上到二樓的教室。
- 上樓後立刻右轉直走到走廊底。文化課教室就在左手邊最後一間教室。
- 由學校第十一號大門進入後,左轉直走至走廊底。
- 然後再右轉直走經過上二樓的樓梯,一樓演講廳就在右手邊。
- 由學校第十一號大門進入後,左轉延著走廊直走。樓梯,一樓多功能教室就在右手邊。
Classrooms for Culture Class
Due to the vast variety of subjects from culture class curricudlum, the classrooms for culture class may require special facility or roomy space. The following classrooms are used for this school year:
Room 231 (2nd Floor)
Room 231 are for typical culture class that do not require students to move around.
- After entering the school building from entrance #11, keep going straight to pass the middle of the hallway.
- Then turn right and go to the end of the hallway. Room 231 is the last classroom on your left.
Lecture Hall (1st Floor)
The lecture hall are for the culture classes that requires larger space or when more than one class are taking the culture class at the same time.
- After entering the school building from entrance #11, turn left and go to the end of the hallway.
- Once reaching the main entrance, turn right and go pass the stairs on the left. The lecture hall will be on your right.
Multi-Purpose Art Room (1st Floor)
The multi-purpose art room are for the culture classes that requires special facility or equipment.
- After entering the school building from entrance #11, turn left and keep walking toward the end of the hallway. The multi-purpose room is on the right in the middle of the hallway.。
Shortcut between 1F and 2F
The lecture hall on 1st floor is very close to the school main entrance. The parents and students can easily go between 1st and 2nd floor by taking the stairs nearby the main entrance.