- 登記服務的方式有三種:
- (1) 透過學校網站登記(建議使用方式)。
- (2) 星期天在學校辦公室(241教室)洽詢總務組人員登記。
- (3) 電郵給學校總務組人員登記 (GeneralAffairs@nvaecs.org)。
- 透過學校網站登記者:
- 登錄進入『實驗中文線上系統』 後,選取 "Services Sign-Up" 項目。
- 選擇所想要擔任安全巡邏的日期。
- 在選定的星期天前幾天,您會收到由學校寄出的提醒電郵信。
- 您的名字也將會出現在當週星期四晚上寄出的『每週通告』電郵信。
- 上課前的交通巡邏服務
- 1:45 pm:到學校向總務組人員簽到(241教室)並領取穿戴橘色反光背心。
- 1:50 pm to 2:05 pm:協助學生與家長們在學校停車場裡過馬路。
- 放學後的交通巡邏服務
- 2:45 pm:到學校裡向總務組人員簽到(241教室)並領取穿戴橘色反光背心。
- 3:55 pm to 4:15 pm:協助學生與家長們在學校停車場裡過馬路。
- 上課前與放學後的巡邏服務人員必須在學校中文教室間的主要走廊上巡邏以確保學校裡的安全。2:50 pm to 3:00 pm任務如下:
- 確保學生不在走廊置物櫃區域遊蕩, 並確定學生不玩弄或觸碰走廊置物櫃 。
- 確保學生不在走廊上奔跑。
- 確保學生不在空的(學校未租用的)教室裡玩耍。
- 結束後請將橘色反光背心歸還給辦公室總務組人員。
- 請務必準時到達學校。
- 如果因臨時有事不刻前來擔任安全巡邏人員,請事先找到能夠代替的家長,並立刻電郵通知學校總務組人員(GeneralAffairs@nvaecs.org)。
Sign-Up Process
- You can sign-up the service by any of the following methods:
- (1) ECS Online, the Intranet website for school parents. (Recommended)
- (2) Contact General Affairs staff in the office (room 241) on Sundays.
- (3) Contact General Affairs staff through email (GeneralAffairs@nvaecs.org).
- If you sign up using ECS Online,
- Go to ECS Online and select "Services Sign-Up".
- Select your desired Sunday(s) you intend to take the task.
- You will receive an email reminder for the task a few days before the selected Sunday(s).
- Your name will also be listed in the Weekly Announcement newsletter, sent out on Thursday night.
What to do on the Day
- Before-class safety patrol
- 1:45 pm - Sign-in and get a safety jacket from the General Affairs staff in ECS office (Room 241)
- 1:50 pm to 2:05 pm - Assist students and parents cross the street
- After class safety patrol
- 2:45 pm - Sign-in and get a safety jacket from the General Affairs staff in ECS office (Room 241)
- 3:55 pm to 4:15 pm - Assist students and parents cross the street
- Hallway patrol (for both before-class and after-class patrol) during the snack break to keep safe environment in the school 2:50 pm to 3:00 pm:
- Ensure students are not playing nearby or opening the lockers in the hallway
- Ensure students are not running in the hallways
- Ensure students are not playing in the unused classrooms
- Return the safety jacket to General Affairs staff in the office after duty.
Things to Know
- Arrive at school on time
- If you cannot make it, please find another parents as a substitute and immediately notify General Affairs staff (GeneralAffairs@nvaecs.org)