新生試聽 Trial Session for Prospective Students

  • 試聽課活動和報名已截止
  • 2016-2017 新生試聽己經開放報名。請有興趣的家長們把握一年一度的新生試聽機會並將訊息傳給其他有興趣的家長們。


2024-2025 學年試聽規則
  • 八月二十五歡迎有興趣的新生前來試聽,試聽費用為一堂課十元,請家長在下午 1:45 後抵達 Chantilly 高中的一樓學生餐廳,向註冊人員登記試聽並領取試聽証。
  • 各班試聽名額,將視額滿程度而定。已額滿的班級將不開放試聽,即將額滿的班級將會開放 1-2 位新生試聽,有名額的班級開放最多 3 位新生試聽。班級額滿狀況請詳見下方表格。
  • 試聽之後如果想報名,煩請於三日內完成線上開戶,註冊人員將根據最新班級人數決定是否受理,一旦受理將為您註冊,請您在收到繳費通知之後於期限內繳費,試聽費可抵學費十元。超過期限未繳費者,恕不保留名額。
  • 為顧及教學品質,自第三週起(九月十六日)只接受轉校生試聽與註冊。

Thank you for your consideration in enrolling your child in Northern Virginia Experimental Chinese School。

Year 2024-2025 Trial Class Rules
  • Interested students are welcome to come for a trial on August 28. The trial fee is $10 per class. Parents are asked to arrive at the student cafeteria on the first floor of Chantilly High School after 1:45 pm, register for the trial with the registration staff and receive a trial hearing.
  • The number of trial seats for each class will be determined based on how full the classes are. Classes that are already full will not be open for trial, classes that are about to be full will be open to 1-2 new students for trial, and classes with quotas will be open for trial to up to 3 new students. Please see the table below for details of class vacancy status.
  • If you want to register after the trial, please complete the online account registration within 3 days. The registration staff will decide whether to accept the application based on the latest class size. Once accepted, you will be registered. Please pay within the time limit after receiving the payment notice. The trial fee can be offset Tuition fee is $10. Those who fail to pay after the deadline will not be registered.
  • In order to take into account the teaching quality, starting from the third week (September 16th), only transfer students will be accepted for trial and registration.
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Northern Virginia Experimental Chinese School (NVECS)

Copyright 2024 ECS All rights reserved

School Address: Chantilly High School, 4201 Stringfellow Road, Chantilly, VA 20151

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 220401 Chantilly, VA 20153

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