- 由於新冠肺炎的突發狀况,原訂在三月十六日後進行的募款項目全數暫停,感謝大家的關心和支持。
- Due to the COVID-19 situation, all fundraising items after 3/16 are suspended until further notice.
- 募款組鼓勵大家用 PayPal 和支票付款,不收現金。
- Paypal & Check payment ONLY & NO Cash.
- 『亞洲梨團購 III』開始時間將從十月二十三日延至十一月六日。
- The starting date for "Asian Pears Order III" is postponed from 10/23 to 11/6.
- 所有募款項目仍在籌劃中,請拭目以待!
- We are still planning for the awesome fundraising items....
對賀喜遊樂園(Hershey Park)有興趣的家長和小朋友們有福了,現在是購買賀喜遊樂園門票的最好時機。
一日門票(夏季票) $40.95 $85.80 (當日價) 52% 折扣 一日門票(全年票) $42.95 $85.80 (當日價) 51% 折扣 單日停車卷 $20 $25 (當日價) 20% 折扣 賀喜餐卷 $14.99 $16.99(當日價) 12% 折扣
Hershey Park Admission Tickets
Now is the time to get the best deal you can find on Hersheypark Admission Tickets. The discount is huge comparing to the main gate prices:
One Day Admission (Summer Only) $40.95 $85.80 (at gate) 48% discount One Day Admission (All Year) $42.95 $85.80 (at gate) 48% discount Single Day Parking Voucher $20 $25 (original) 20% discount Single-Use Meal Voucher $14.99 $16.95 (original) 7% discount
Fundraising Event Status: | Current | Future | Expired |
Description | Starting Date |
End Date |
Pick-Up Date |
More fundraising items for current school year will be added later.