- 由於新冠肺炎的突發狀况,原訂在三月十六日後進行的募款項目全數暫停,感謝大家的關心和支持。
- Due to the COVID-19 situation, all fundraising items after 3/16 are suspended until further notice.
- 募款組鼓勵大家用 PayPal 和支票付款,不收現金。
- Paypal & Check payment ONLY & NO Cash.
- 『亞洲梨團購 III』開始時間將從十月二十三日延至十一月六日。
- The starting date for "Asian Pears Order III" is postponed from 10/23 to 11/6.
- 所有募款項目仍在籌劃中,請拭目以待!
- We are still planning for the awesome fundraising items....
香噴噴、Q嫩嫩的麵包又要出爐了!開放團購的口味有:菠蘿包、奶酪包、肉鬆捲、菠蘿奶酥、起酥肉鬆、麻糬紅豆、麻薯芋頭、蔥花包、芝士火腿、丹麥奶酥吐司、紅豆吐司、芋頭吐司、葡式蛋塔(四個一盒)、原味蛋塔 ( 四個一盒 )。
- ECS Online 網路預訂將開放到星期四晚上11:59截止,星期日下午四點於學生餐廳繳費領取麵包。
- 請自備購物袋,零錢,若以支票付款,抬頭請寫 ECS。
- 『天一麵包』網站
Bread Corner
Types offered: Pineapple Bun, Cream Cheese, Milky Powder with Pineapple Crust, Shredded Pork Roll, Mochi Red Bean, Mochi Taro, Puffy Shredded Pork, Onion Bun, Ham and Cheese, Danish Loaf with Milky Powder, Red Bean Loaf, Taro Loaf, Egg Tarts (4 per box), Portuguese Egg Tarts (4 per box).
- Please make check payable to ECS or bring exact cash, along with a reusable shopping bag.
- Pre-order online by 11:59pm onThursday at ECS Online and pick up your bread on the following Sunday after 4pm at the 1F Student Cafeteria.
- Corner Bread website
Fundraising Event Status: | Current | Future | Expired |
Description | Starting Date |
End Date |
Pick-Up Date |
More fundraising items for current school year will be added later.