- 活動內容:狗年製作狗木偶、信封裝飾、吉祥話反著說和傳話遊戲、吃的習俗、教小朋友唱新年的歌和說吉祥話、新年鞭炮製作
- 活動內容:手工藝製作、慶祝活動和遊戲(麻將賓果)、年俗介紹、語文活動、文字遊戲(猜謎語)、吃的習俗(搓湯圓)
- 活動內容:製作毽子和踢毽子、新年文化常識與娛樂活動、新年十八樂、新年食物傳統和遊戲、新年文化常識與娛樂活動、新年吉祥話猜謎
- 活動內容:麻將、大富翁過中國年
- 提醒學生務必準時1:55到校,歡迎孩子們穿著中式新年服飾到校。
- 建議小朋友帶空書包到校,以方便裝自己做的手工藝和獎品。
- 兩點至兩點十五之間,老師會在各班指定的教室介紹有關華人慶祝農曆新年的各種傳統習俗和文化。新年活動時,每一組都會提供應景食物讓學生品嚐。請家長通知老師,孩子是否有食物過敏,也提醒學生在品嚐任何食物時,請先徵得家長的同意。
- 全校共分五組同時進行,每組有五項活動,每二十分鐘輪替到下一間教室。
- 活動預計於四點十五分結束,家長請在四點十五分至三十分之間到當天報到的第一間教室接學生!
- 請注意,許多班級在一點五十五分報到的教室與平日上課的教室不同。或參閱新年文化節教室配置圖。
Event Pictures - Gropu A&B (K1 to E1)
- Activities: Making Dog Puppets, Decorating Envelope, Traditional Game and New Year Auspicious Words, Tradions about "Eating", Singing Traditional New Year Song, Making Chinese Fire Crackers
Event Pictures - Gropu C (E2 to E4)
- Activities: Arts and Crafts, Celebrations and Games (Majong Bingo), Traditions and Taboos, Language and Songs, Making and Tasting Tom-Uuan
Event Pictures - Gropu D (E5 to M1)
- Activities: Making Jianzi, "Dices in the Bow" Game, Tradition and Game about Chinese Food, Riddle guessing on New Year Auspicious Words
Event Pictures - Gropu E (M2 to H2)
- Activities: Majong, New Year Monopoly Game
Event Planning
We are celebrating 2018 Chinese Lunar New Year, the year of Dog, this Sunday at 2 pm. Parent volunteers have worked diligently to prepare all sorts of celebration activities for our students to experience.
- Please arrive on time at 1:55. Everyone is encouraged to dress festively in Chinese style.
- 2:00-2:15 Teachers will introduce traditions, customs and culture of Chinese New Year. During the festival, every group will provide food tasting. Please notify the teacher if you child/ren have food allergy, also remind your child/ren to get parents’ permission before they taste the food.
- 5 activity groups will take place at the same time; each class will rotate to different classroom every 20 minutes and will rotate through 5 different activities.
- Feel free to bring empty backpack for crafts and prizes! Leave textbooks at home.
- The activities are expected to end at 4:15pm. Please pick up your kids in their first activity’s classroom between 4:15pm - 4:30pm.
- Please note that the lots of classes will meet in a different room than their normal classroom. You can also check New Year Festival room map