- 比賽時間:五月十六日下午兩點半
- 各班學生將透過 ZOOM 觀賞現場直播
第六屆 (2020-2021) 高中組布袋戲友誼賽
The Glove Puppet shows are a Chinese traditional performing art flourished at Taiwan, covering literature, music, art, and creativity to bring the audience a rich and fun entertainment. ECS Culture Team is lucky to have worked with H2 class students to bring this program to you today. In the past few weeks, the students not only learned the skills to perform a puppetry show, but also have been able to demonstrate their Chinese proficiency, theatrical, and creativity skills through poster production, and story creation and performance. Congratulations on all H2 students for this wonderful achievement.
目的 鼓勵學生發揮創意,展現高二華語文學習之成果,透過布袋戲表演方式,提昇學生學習興趣,以海外華人的角度,給予布袋戲新的詮釋。
主題素材 依據上課主題,自行創作或改編故事 ,並以中文現場演出。
時間 五月十六日 下午兩點半
地點 華府區僑教中心
演出長度 每組以八分鐘為限
(1) 火龍果組《花木男》
(1) Hua Mulan by Team Dragon Fruit
Storyline: In ancient China, waging an invasion from Mongol Empire, the Han Chinese emperor ordered a man from every household to join the army. The only man in Hua Family was an elderly father selling dragon fruit. To protect her father from dying in the war, the daughter, Mulan, joined the army and disguises herself as a man. In a crucial battle, Mulan successfully saves the Chinese army but exposes her female identity. Hearing the Mongol’s plans to kill the emperor, Mulan heads to the palace. Can she save the emperor and her army peers in time?
(2) 加油組《完璧歸趙》
劇情介紹:為了得到名聞天下的和氏璧,秦王不惜放話,願以十五座城池與趙國交換。 趙王明知道這是秦王的詭計,卻無法抵擋秦國大軍威脅。趙臣藺相如自願赴秦獻璧,期許給趙國多一些時間訓練軍隊。到了秦國,秦王耍詐,得到和氏璧後卻隻字不提十五座城池,藺相如該如何將和氏璧奪回並平安送回趙國呢?他能成功阻止秦王吞併趙國的野心嗎?
(2) Return The Jade Intact To Zhao by Team Jia You
Storyline:Emperor Qin wished to offer fifteen cities in exchange with Lord Zhao for the precious white jade, He-Shi-Bi. Knowing the slim chance of Qin honoring the promise, Zhao has no choice but sends the ambassador, Xiangru Lin, to deliver the jade and buy Zhao some time to build the army. Arriving in Qin, Emperor Qin takes the jade and keeps quiet on the offer of 15 cities. Lin has no choice but tricks Qin to take back the jade. However, can Lin send the jade back to Zhao safely? Will Lin be able to save his county?
(3) 珍珠奶茶組《白蛇傳》
劇情介紹:聽說人間珍珠奶茶名聞天下,愛吃美食的蛇精白素貞偷跑下凡,卻遇到小屁孩捉弄,許仙路過救下了白蛇。白素貞從蛇幻化成姑娘,並發現許仙是鎮上珍珠奶茶店的老闆,欣喜萬分。許仙看白素貞孤苦無依,收留她幫忙生意,兩人日久生情,結為夫妻。不料,端午節當天,許仙在街上遇上法海和尚,法海告知白素貞乃白蛇精,並獻雄黃酒一計誘白素貞現出原形,許仙大驚,當場嚇死。所幸,在好友山神幫助下,許仙得以復生,後來和白素貞生下一子,名為許仕林。但好景不常,竟在寺廟中遇上法海和尚,兩人大戰一場,誰生誰死? 白素貞還能跟許仙一起幸福到老嗎?
(3) Lgend of the White Snake by Team Bubble Tea
Storyline: After escaping from the heavens, Bai Su Zhen, a white snake, was being bullied and hit by children. When a kind man, Xu Xian, saves her from her torment, she falls in love with him and reappears in front of him as a beautiful woman. They fall in love, get married and live a peaceful life selling bubble tea and popcorn chicken together, but when a dangerous monk with ill intent, Fa Hai, threatens to expose her secret and destroy their family, what will happen?
裁判 學校各班老師及行政人員。
- 表演:全組團隊合作,演出流暢度
- 劇本:劇情,創意,中文表達
- 舞台效果:特效,道具,配樂
- 海報:主題表達,構圖用色
- 人氣:由現場學生們透過 Google Form 票選自己喜愛的隊伍
- 最佳表演
- 最佳劇本
- 最佳舞台效果
- 最佳海報製作
- 最佳人氣獎