布袋戲競賽 Glove Puppet Show

  • 活動籌劃中。請參考過去活動紀綠。
  • 比賽時間:五月十六日下午兩點半
  • 各班學生將透過 ZOOM 觀賞現場直播
第八屆 (2022-2023) 高中組布袋戲友誼賽


The Glove Puppet shows are a Chinese traditional performing art flourished at Taiwan, covering literature, music, art, and creativity to bring the audience a rich and fun entertainment.ECS Culture Team is lucky to have worked with H2 class students to bring this program to you today. In the past few weeks, the students not only learned the skills to perform a puppetry show, but also have been able to demonstrate their Chinese proficiency, theatrical, and creativity skills through poster production, and story creation and performance. Congratulations on all H2 students for this wonderful achievement!


高二學生團隊利用從文化課上學習到的知識,轉化成自己的創意,編寫劇本,創作海報,利用有限資源輸出舞台效果,將努力的成果展現在大家面前 ,並以中文現場演出。


第一場:十一月十三日 下午兩點十五分至兩點五十分
第二場:十一月二十日 下午三點十分至三點五十分





(1) 金豬寶寶隊《管仲與鮑叔牙》
(2) 雞肉炒飯隊《台灣隊長》
(3) 唐老鴨隊《包公審鴨案》
(1) 金豬寶寶隊《管仲與鮑叔牙》

劇情介紹:這是一個關於友誼的故事。 管仲和鮑叔牙是一對好朋友,面臨著無數挑戰,但即使他們相互對立,他們也總是互相支援。 他們面臨著忠誠和友誼的考驗,故事將會怎麼發展呢?

(1) GuangZhong and BaoShuYa - by Golden Bao-Bao

Storyline: This is a story about friendship. GuangZhong and BaoShuYa face numerous challenges, but even when they are pitted against each other, they always have each other’s backs. They face the true test of loyalty and pass it by leaps and bounds.

(2) 雞肉炒飯隊《台灣隊長》

劇情介紹:西元2050 年, 台灣與外星人處於戰爭邊緣,愛國者曾勇敢決定加入戰爭。但他瘦弱的體格,使他被拒絕入伍。一位神秘的科學家出現,說服了曾勇敢進行人體試驗變強壯,他也因此順利入伍成爲台灣隊長!但台灣隊長是否能帶領大家打敗外星人呢?

(2) Captain Taiwan - by Chicken Fried Rice

Storyline:In 2050, Taiwan was on the brink of war with aliens. As tensions mounted and troops assembled, who could save Taiwan? Things were looking desperate until Captain Taiwan appeared. Initially weak and skinny, he emerged strong and muscular after he went through a mysterious scientist’s experiment, ready to take down the extraterrestrials invading his homeland. The question is, can he do it before they completely wreak havoc on his home? Or will he succumb to the grueling fates of war?

(3) 唐老鴨隊《包公審鴨案》


(3) Duck Trial by Judge Bao - by Donald Duck

Storyline: Two people are fighting over Donald Duck. Yes, it is the Donald Duck everyone is familiar with. Mr. Bun has to try and solve the problem, but who does the duck really belong to? Will Mr. Bun be able to solve the mystery, or will he become the dumb duck himself?



  • 表演:全組團隊合作,演出流暢度
  • 劇本:劇情,創意,中文表達
  • 舞台效果:特效,道具,配樂
  • 海報:主題表達,構圖用色
  • 人氣:由現場學生票選自己喜愛的隊伍
  • 最佳表演
  • 最佳劇本
  • 最佳舞台效果
  • 最佳海報製作
  • 最佳人氣獎

  • 比賽結束後,三組影片將放置在北維實驗中文學校網站,供全校師生家長欣賞
  • 回顧去年精采活動演出和結果:去年

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