學生註冊 Student Registration


2024-2025 學年
  • 2024-2025 學年舊生註冊己從五月一日開始;新生註冊將從七月一日開始。
  • 2024-2025 學年註冊活動即己從五日一日開始。
  • 2024-2025 學年新生註冊活動將在九月十五日截止。

今年的註冊方式和程序與去年五月相同:所有的註冊表格填寫必須在 ECS Online 網頁上完成,學校不會提供註冊表格下載或是實際的註冊表格。



2024-2025 學年費用清單

(2024-2025 學年費用清單將稍後公布)


費用項目 說明
註冊費 每個學生 $50
新生費 每個學生 $50 (僅適用新生註冊)
遲交費 每個學生 $50 (舊生在七月一日後註冊者將加收遲交費)
學費 每個學生 $510 (學費包括上下兩個學期)
兄弟姊妹折扣 同一個家庭有三個或三個以上的孩子將在實驗中文學校就讀者,第三個和之後所有的學生,每個學生的學用將有百分之二十五的折扣
  • 只有一個學生的家庭:$125;有一個以上學生的家庭:$250
  • 服務記點費將在註冊時與註冊其他費用一同收取。
  • 學校家長服務記點制度詳細說明。
其他費用 手續/搬運費 $10
  • Financial plan is available upon request. Please see school office.
  • 支票遭到退票者,將另外收取 $35 費用。
  • 除了學費和服務記點費用以外的費用將無法退費。
  • 欲退費和退出註冊者,請先填寫退費申請表。
  • 在開學始前申請退費者,學校將退還全部學費。在開學前四堂課之間申請退費者,學校將退還百分之七十五的學費。第四堂課以後,學費將不退還。
  • 晚註冊但之後因班級己沒空位者,學校將退還註冊費和學費。

如果您的孩子從其他的中文學校轉校過來,或是不需要從幼小或幼中班開始讀起,請直接聯絡學校教務組人員(academic@nvaecs.org)。 學校將會安排相關中文能力測試,再根據測試的結果將您的孩子分發至適合的班級,並指示您註冊和繳費的程序。






2024-2025 School Year
  • Registration for 2024-2025 School Year for current student will begin on May 1.
  • 2024-2025 school year registration has started from 5/1/2024 for current enrolling students and 7/1/2024 for new students.
  • 2024-2025 school year registration will start on 4/1/2016 for current enrolling students and 67/1/2016 for new students.

The registration process for year 2024-2025 class is similar to those from previous year: No paper registration form will be provided; you can only fill up the registration forms on ECS Online website.

Class offerings are subject to change due to budgetary restrictions or other contingencies. No class will be continued or offered if the enrollment does not meet minimum school requirements at the end of the registration period.

Please read through the registration guidelines and details on the registration detail pages below:

We appreciate your understanding, and ECS strives to provide the best to its student and the community.

2024-2025 Fee Schedule

(2024-2025 Fee Schedule to be announced)

The tuition fee for year 2015-2016 will be increased from $330 to $340. This increase is to reflect the actual cost for yearly operation and keep ECS in its solid financial plan. Please contact us if you have any question or concerns about the tuition fee.

Registration Fee $50 per student
New Student Fee $50 per student (only applies to New Student)
Late Fee $50 of late fee may be charged if you are returning ECS student and register after July 1
Tuition: $510 for fall and spring semesters
Sibling Discounts For families with 3 or more children in ECS, a 25% discount on tuition is given to the 3rd child or more in the family.
Service Point Fee
  • $125 for the family with one child, $250 for the family with more than one child.
  • The service point fee must be submitted along with tuition during the registration.
  • Please refer to ECS Parent Service Point Policy.
  • Financial plan is available upon request. Please see school office.
  • A $35.00 fee will be charged for any returned checks.
Refund Policy
  • All fees, except of Tuition and Service Point Fee, are non-refundable.
  • A Refund Request Form must be submitted in order to apply for withdrawal/refunds. Tuition will be fully refunded if request is made before school starts. 75% of semester tuition for withdrawal made within the first 4 classes. None after 4 classes for that semester.
  • In the event that no class is available for the late registered student, a refund including the registration fee and tuition will be issued.
Transfer Student

If your child is transferred from another Chinese school; or do not need to start from K1 or K2 classes (3-4 years old), then please contact the academic staff (academic@nvaecs.org), who will arrange a Chinese lanaugague test for your child. Your child will be assigned to a class based on the test results. You will be instructed to complete the registration.

ECS does not transfer non-ECS students to H2 class. The H2 class is reserved for current ECS students only.

Applying for Skipping Level or Switching to Pinyin/ZhuYin Class

Any current student who wants to skip level or switch between Phyin and ZhuYin classes, please follow the procedure below:

  • Acquire recommendation letter from your current class teacher before April.
  • Download and fill up the application; then submit to school academic staff.
  • Take the test arranged by school academic staff.
ECS Terms of Service

In order to maintain a high standard of service and provide a safe learning environment for all ECS families, ECS reserves the right to refuse or discontinue service to any students or family. Service may be denied for who acts inappropriately by disrupting the normal provision of services, or if an individual's behavior or environment threatens the safety of ECS.

QR Code for NVAECS website

Northern Virginia Experimental Chinese School (NVECS)

Copyright 2024 ECS All rights reserved

School Address: Chantilly High School, 4201 Stringfellow Road, Chantilly, VA 20151

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 220401 Chantilly, VA 20153

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