春季班認字比賽 Vocabulary Contest


  • 無法在五月五日參加認字比賽的學生,須在四月二十一日前提出申請,並準備參加4月28日認字比賽提前考。請家長自行上網登記提前考學生姓名
  • 認字比賽在教室外的走廊舉行, 沒有擔任計時或計分義工的家長,請不要在走廊逗留和聊天,讓孩子們在安靜不受干擾的環境下考試。



今年的認字/認詞比賽原訂於五月三日舉行,但是由於新冠肺炎停課,學生進到學校複習的機會減少,學校決定讓學生們有更多的時間準備與複習,將認字比賽改在學年最後一週,由 Zoom Meeting 或是其他網路線上方式進行。這是實驗課程的一部分,所有學生皆須參加,也是年度所學的成果驗收,測驗成績也將作為下學年年級編班準則,請學生們努力準備。



目 的


對 象


時 間


  • 範圍:
    • 第一組:幼小班至幼大班:由班級老師自行訂定(考試題目和老師所發的練習題並不會完全相同)
    • 第二組:小一班至小四班:由班級老師自行訂定(考試題目和老師所發的練習題並不會完全相同)。為幫助學生瞭解及應用所學之生字,每個生字需造一個詞。
    • 第三組:小五班至高二班:由班級老師自行訂定(考試題目和老師所發的練習題並不會完全相同)。為幫助學生瞭解及應用所學之生字/詞,每個生字/詞需造一個句子。
  • 方法:應試學生請於指定時間登入Zoom Meeting,於老師事先準備好的試題中(15 題一組)選出一組,正確的逐題唸出,並造一合宜的詞/句(幼稚園班只需認字)。
  • 時限:每題需在十五秒以內回答並造詞或在三十秒以內回答並造句;逾時不予計分。
  • 順序:為公平起見,比賽前老師將抽籤安排學生應試的順序。
  • 評審:評審團由班級老師及一位家長組成,老師為主審。
  • 計分:每答對一題得一分,造一正確的詞/句再得一分。滿分為三十分。
  • 幼稚園班之所有參賽者將頒發參加獎。
  • 答對 100% 之學生,二年級以下將頒發特優獎狀以及獎盃;三年級以上將頒發特優獎狀以及五元紅包。
  • 答對 80% 以上、100% 以下之學生,將頒發優等獎。

Due to COVID-19, students did not have a chance to practice vocabulary contests with their teachers at school.

The vocabulary contest was postponed to 6/7 - the last day of school. We will hold our vocabulary contest via Zoom meeting or another virtual app. If you can not participate in the contest on 6/7, please contact your teacher for an alternate date. The vocabulary contest is an ECS mandatory event, and this is also the way we know if the student is qualified for the next level.



To raise students' ability to recognize and apply Chinese vocabulary.


All students in the Experimental Chinese School

Contest Date


Contest Rules
  • Words:
    • Group 1: Kindergarten 1 to 3: Determined by the class teachers.
    • Group 2: Elementary 1 to Elementary 4: Determined by the class teachers. To demonstrate the understanding of the word usage, students must make a phrase with each word.(The practice sets teachers provide in the class will not be the same as contest sets)
    • Group 3: Elementary 5 to High School 2: Determined by the class teachers. To demonstrate the understanding of the word/phrase usage, students must make a sentence with each word/phrase.(The practice sets teachers provide in the class will not be the same as contest sets)
  • Procedures:
    Each student to be tested should log into the Zoom meeting at their time slot and select a set of 15 words/phrases, read each word/phrase correctly, and make an accurate and appropriate phrase/sentence with the word/phrase. (Pre- K & Kindergarten students only need to read each word.)
  • Time Limit:
    Students have 15 seconds (or 30 seconds if for making sentence) to finish each question. Words read out after the time limit will not be given points.
  • Scoring:
    Students receive one point for each correctly read word/phrase, and one more point for each correctly made phrase/sentence. Total possible scores are 30 points.  
  • Order of Testing:
    The class teacher will hold a drawing to determine the order of student appearances for the contest.
  • Judges:
    The judge group is consisted of the classroom teacher and one parent volunteers.
  • Participants in Kindergarten classes will receive a participation prize.
  • Pre-K to 2nd grade students who scored 100% will receive a Superior rating certificate and trophy. Students from 3rd grade and above who scored 100% will receive a Superior rating certificate and a 5 dollar red envelope.
  • Students who scored between 80% and 100% will receive an Excellent rating certificate.
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Northern Virginia Experimental Chinese School (NVECS)

Copyright 2024 ECS All rights reserved

School Address: Chantilly High School, 4201 Stringfellow Road, Chantilly, VA 20151

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 220401 Chantilly, VA 20153

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