實驗星光學術競賽校隊 ECS Academic Competition Team

APR 22
Poetry Competition Winners


Congratulations to our Poetry Team members that participated in the Washington Metropolitan Chinese Poetry Competition last Saturday, 4/22. Under Ms. Pei-kai Wang’s guidance, the following four ECS students ranked top among peers.

  • E1A 蔡耀遠 Jonathan Tsai: A組第二名
  • E2A 閻暟亭 Katie Yen: A組第三名
  • E4A 閻暟德 Kade Yen: B組第三名
  • M2A 王芊云 Hana Wang: B組第二名
  • 古典詩詞吟唱比賽
  • DEC 3
    Congratulations to ECS Calligraphy Team

    一年一度的校際書法比賽成功落幕。感謝黎秀桂老師的指導與校隊榮譽學員的努力,學員們個個展現卓越表現,為實驗爭光!恭喜獲獎學員:張玲爾 (小學三組)、郭宇晉 (小學二組)。

    The annual WMACS Chinese calligraphy contest concluded on 12/3, and ECS Calligraphy Team performed extremely well. Thank you, Ms. Rina Li, and members of the team: Jess Wu, Lemuel Kuo, and Claire Chang, for all your hard work! Lemuel and Claire brought home honors.

    NOV 26
    Chinese Computer Typing and Reading Contest

    實驗中文學校的丁希凡Lisa Din、陳薏茹Jocelyn Chen、王芊云Hana Wang同學獲頒優勝獎狀。實驗中文學校因首次參賽由於成績相當接近,三位同學能有此優越表現,僑教中心陳主任、主辦單位及全場師生同學均給與熱烈鼓勵之掌聲,老師及家長同學都均感能有機會代表學校參與比賽勝感榮焉也必年年來一起交流學習。

    Three ECS students Lisa Din, Jocelyn Chen and Hana Wang received awards for excellent performance in the 2016 Chinese Computer Typing and Reading Contest. Even though this is the first time for ECS to attend this contest, the three students did a great job and it was well-received and recognized by all the audiences during the event. The ECS teachers, parents, and students that attended the contest were honored to represent the school and look forward to being part of the future events.

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